Drink Driving

Drink-driving offences can have a life-altering impact, making it crucial for you to seek strong legal representation.

About drink driving

Every week, many people face Court for offences relating to drink driving laws. A DUI (driving under the influence) is a traumatic and confusing event, and it is difficult to know where to turn. For most, it will be your first time in any legal trouble, and it is terrifying to think of facing prosecution. It is essential to have strong legal representation.
Drink Driving
A drink-driving conviction may result in lost wages (or even job loss), significant fines, the loss of your licence for a substantial period, or even imprisonment.

Because of drink driving, your licence may be immediately suspended. If your BAC is less than 0.10, you will receive a 24-hour suspension of your driver’s licence. If it is over 0.10, then your licence will be suspended until the Magistrate makes a determination.

Higher penalties also apply for repeat drink driving offences. Those penalties can include a licence disqualification for up to two years and a term of imprisonment. Repeat offenders, particularly those with more than three high-range alcohol readings within five years, face mandatory terms of imprisonment.

These are serious consequences, but you are not alone. We have the experience, knowledge and dedication to guide you through this difficult time.

The Magistrates Court views charges of drink driving seriously. It is a charge that could result in imprisonment for your first offence. Don’t take the risk with your liberty. Consult traffic lawyers who can help you through the process.

Book a Free Consultation

When facing traffic offence charges, finding clarity in your situation is the first step, and we won’t charge you for the initial advice we give you.

What to do next

Experienced legal representation could be the deciding factor in whether you walk out of court or are escorted to the watchhouse.

A Magistrate will determine the length of your disqualification together with other penalties. The length of the disqualification and what type of other penalties you receive will depend upon:
The Queensland legislation regulating the use of motor vehicles on this state’s roads is continuously evolving and expanding. It is important that you have legal representation that is experienced in dealing with traffic law offences.

Due to drink-driving laws, some people may lose their licence or have it suspended for a period of time. Some may be eligible to apply for a work licence. A work licence will only be granted by a Magistrate after eligibility is demonstrated in the applications and supporting affidavits filed with the Magistrate’s Court.

Our traffic lawyers can assist you with work licence applications and affidavits for Magistrates Courts all over Queensland.