Mr Sam Jackson

Sam Jackson

Sam is a Criminal Law Accredited Specialist and Traffic Lawyer.  As a Lawyer, Sam enjoys a challenge. He became a Lawyer in order to assist people in overcoming their legal problems.

What motivates Sam is his ability to help his clients through difficult times.  Traffic offences can cause life-changing consequences for an individual.  Sam believes his job is to help people navigate through the legal issues to achieve positive results.

As traffic laws change regularly, Sam prides himself in remaining up to date with the current legislation and case law. Inexperienced lawyers make basic errors in Court when dealing with drink driving laws as they do not have the specialist knowledge that Gold Coast Traffic Lawyer does.  Other Lawyers respect Sam for his legal knowledge.

Contact Sam to discuss your traffic offence and he will tell you how he can assist you. Although our office is based in Southport (on the beautiful Gold Coast), Sam is able to assist clients in South East Queensland and other areas in regional Queensland.

Criminal Law Accredited Specialist
